Saturday, 9 August 2008

war against what (Death of an Innocent)

in the uk and usa there is a war going on against the "soldiers" of iraq, this war is senseless even if we won, we will still have to fight against the people who have such different views on life they will turn our stomachs, its not just the soldiers were fighting against its the whole belief of islam, which is the teachings of islam, as understood by all who believe in islam and voiced by the perverted followers of mohamed, or have mohameds teachings been deliberatly perverted by the followers for there benefit, i believe that mohammad gave the word, and a faith was spawned, a faith origanally meant to heal and join people together, then it was changed by some followers so they could stay in power, now it seems to be based on based on fear and hate so the people would feel good about the hardships they had to go through to just exist, and have better times in the next life.

Even though conditions and times have changed the people are still following old ways of living and not changing with the times, this is not the sign of a young healthy faith but the death throes of a way of life that shoud have gone years ago but kept alive through fear of retribution.

i came to these views recently by watching a phone video, this was a video of a 17 year old girl from northern iraq who fell in love with someone from outside her area, there was some who disagreed with it and wanted to kill her, so she ran home to her family who KICKED her out into the street where she was then kicked to death by followers of mohammed, the thing i find disgusting is the family had the first kick, is this the side of family ife they try to hide? the perverted followers of mohammed that filmed the killing put it to music to hide the cries for help and her screams and try to give it a sense of respecability.

The death of that one girl is enough for me to justify a nuclear solution for the whole country, because if this is what an ordinary person over there can do and justify it in the name of religion, then that should question the very belief that lets them do this or it should question how a belief can be so distorted by its followers as to justify murdering an innocent in such a savage way just because she fell in love.

They are coming here and to the UK and the US of A and other countries and spreading there brand of religion with a view of turning the whole world islam, only here they are wearing gloves so we dont see what there faith is really like only a vanilla view of it.

my name is morak of morax