Sunday 26 April 2009

Labour the Betrayal Party

Once again the labour goverment has betrayed friends and allies of this country who volunteered to help in this countries hour of need. A Gurkha who fought for this country went to court and won the right to settle here, a right he earned when he fought on our side during the war. then the labour goverment introduced a citizen test that was guaranteed to exclude 99% of applicants by making it mandatory that the aplicant must have got one of the top four madals awarded in wartime, most soldiers who got these meadals got them posthumously, once again rank and file soldiers have been betrayed.
Thinking retrospectively this should not come as a surprise to me, particulary when, a labour goverment lets muslim terrorist supporter vent there hatred to Soldiers returning home from the war zone and lets the same muslim led labour council ban a St Georges Day Parade.
How much more betrayal y the goverment is going to come to light.
I want to make it clear that this is not an English goverment it is scottish and welsh natinal party led goverment, the English have no national party therefore have no rights.
I believe it is time we the English had a National Party, a party which will stop the betrayal of the country and it people, reintroduce values like trust honor justice and common sense

1 comment:

morak said...

this wednesday just gone there was a massive press story about the gurkhas winning there rights to stay here and the money could easily be found by diverting it from the money the illegals get, will the labour goverment having done another u turn just let the fuss die down, and do nothing only time will tell, this goverment usually does nothing or and puts up hidden barriers to get what they want not what the people want, a prime example is the eu, in England we didnt want it, but the scots and welsh did.